Driver onboarding: How to keep the commitment and avoid being ghosted by new driver hires

Does your fleet find itself being ghosted by new driver hires between their commitment date and onboarding date? Here are a few strategies to help keep your professional driver commitments firm.
What’s ahead for the labor market? Glassdoor chief economist talks how companies can shift as employees’ attitudes evolve

On why ‘blue collar’ and ‘white collar’ are obsolete terms and managers’ new vital skill — Glassdoor chief economist chats with NTI about what’s ahead for the labor market.
Drivers’ on-road amenities: Would you use them?

Second to drivers’ experiences at shipper and receiver facilities, auditing your drivers’ experience within your preferred truck stop networks should be a key pillar in promoting advocacy and appreciation for your professional drivers — and helping boost retention efforts industrywide.
Four Dos and Don’ts for driver job descriptions and recruiting pitches

Recruiting’s goal isn’t to meet hiring quotas or simply get drivers in the door for onboarding. Rather, it’s to be a matchmaker: Find candidates that fit the job or jobs your fleet has available and hire them with an appropriate compensation package.
Mentorship networks provide a spark for experienced and newcomer women drivers alike

LeadHER Trucking, developed by the LeadHER Alliance and the Women in Trucking Association, gives new entrant drivers access to a dedicated mentor, monthly and quarterly enrichment and educational sessions, and support, guidance, and motivation for women in their first year behind the wheel.
Six strategies fleets can leverage as the ‘consumption gap’ persists between a tight employment market and consumer demand

Here are six strategies fleets can employ to compete within the backdrop of an ongoing “consumption gap.”
Actively supporting truck driver health could be your fleet’s retention bonus

Driver health impacts every department, from the C-suite, to HR and recruiting, to compliance and safety. Drivers and their wellness need to be at the center of everything we do.