Summer thaw: Driver wages at for-hire fleets see most momentum so far in 2024

Despite the freight market malaise and 2024’s overall sluggish pay movement, the summer months did bring the most movement to driver wages so far this year, according to the latest data from NTI’s National Survey of Driver Wages. Here’s what the latest data shows around per-mile pay, pay be experience level, market-level data, and more.

Harnessing the power of data in your fleet’s recruiting department

In today’s driver recruiting landscape, the vast amount of data available to fleets can be overwhelming. How can your fleet utilize these data streams in your driver recruiting and retention programs? In this episode of FreightWaves’ Taking the Hire Road show, Nathan Widener, Chief Data Officer at Career Now Brands, joins NTI President and CEO Leah Shaver to answer these critical questions.