Fighting fatigue of seniority-based load bidding: 3 ways to reward drivers working less-desirable shifts

In NTI’s work with private and dedicated fleets, that’s a common concern we hear: Seniority-based bid systems contribute to frustration of new hires and churn among early tenured truckers. Here are three ways your fleet can help soothe those frustrations, incentivize weekend shifts and other lesser desired loads, and manage hang-ups caused by seniority-based load bidding programs
Is there ‘false advertising’ in your fleet’s driver recruiting process? Here’s how to ward off an unintentional turnover culprit

While almost always unintentional, errors in job ads can lead to immediate distrust with new driver hires if they receive inconsistent information during the job evaluation and hiring process or after they’ve been onboarded. Expectation gaps between what a driver thought the job would be and what it actually entails are a fast track for early turnover and churn of new driver hires. Here are five strategies to help avoid ‘false advertising’ in your driver marketing.
Diversifying your driver lead funnel, letting drivers own profitability, and the enduring value of a CDL: Consider these 4 strategies in your fleet’s driver programs

In this month’s From Leah’s Desk, NTI President & CEO Leah Shaver shares insights on diversifying your driver recruiting funnel to excel in any market cycle, the enduring value of a driver’s CDL, empowering drivers on the profitability of their individual truck, and focusing on the habits you want your recruiting program to embody.
5 ways your fleet can focus on driver health as a retention tool in 2023

As we’ve touched on a few times in the NTI Blog, putting driver health at the center of every fleet department is one of the most critical steps your fleet can take in its driver retention program. Not only is it the right thing to do for your people and the personal and professional wellbeing […]