Life As A Trucker – What It Really Costs To Live On The Road

Inflation isn’t easy for anyone to deal with, but it can be even harder for drivers when they’re trying to keep costs in check on the road. Fortunately, there are a few ways that companies can help drivers combat inflation on the road.
How To Make Your Holiday Trucking Benefits Packages More Merry!

HOW TO MAKE YOUR HOLIDAY TRUCKING BENEFITS PACKAGES MORE MERRY! It’s that time of year again – the holiday season is upon us! We all look forward to the parties, gifts, and time with family that are a part of this time of year. Of course, if you work in logistics, you know that this […]
Redefining The “Typical” Truck Driver

REDEFINING THE “TYPICAL” TRUCK DRIVER Who is a “typical” truck driver in the United States today? The answer to that question is shifting, and The National Transportation Institute is excited to see new trends emerge. A driver shortage has plagued the trucking industry for years, and it became particularly acute in 2020 and 2021. There’s […]
4 Ways To Combat Inflation For Your Drivers

4 WAYS TO COMBAT INFLATION FOR YOUR DRIVERS Inflation is going to be a talking topic in a lot of your meetings in the next months, but more importantly, in the mind of your drivers while they are on the road and when they turn on the news at home. For two consecutive months, prices […]
Recruiting More Women to Your Fleet

RECRUITING MORE WOMEN TO YOUR FLEET Close your eyes and try to picture a “typical” truck driver. Did you envision a man? If so, there’s a reason for that. At present, women make up nearly half of the American workforce, but less than 8% of truck drivers. Efforts to improve these figures are picking up […]
Grateful For Truckers This Thanksgiving

GRATEFUL FOR TRUCKERS THIS THANKSGIVING Happy Thanksgiving! At The National Transportation Institute, we can’t wait to spend time with family, reflect on all that we have to be grateful for, and of course, eat an amazing meal. Everybody knows that Thanksgiving is the day for indulgence. Gathering around the dinner table is the mainstay of […]
Five Things Drivers Wish the World Knew

FIVE THINGS DRIVERS WISH THE WORLD KNEW National Truck Driver Appreciation week may be wrapped up for 2021, but we’re determined to keep the momentum going for as long as possible. That’s because, at The National Transportation Institute, we’re a little obsessed with drivers. We encounter so many of them who take pride in their […]
From Leah’s Desk: New ATRI Report Reveals Why You Must Commit to Benchmarking

FROM LEAH’S DESK: NEW ATRI REPORT REVEALS WHY YOU MUST COMMIT TO BENCHMARKING The American Transportation Research Institute recently released its annual Top Industry Issues report. The report was full of interesting tidbits, although I didn’t find too many surprises. Concerns that made the list, like driver recruitment, retention, and pay are matters that I […]
Economic Growth Slows to a Trickle

ECONOMIC GROWTH SLOWS TO A TRICKLE The latest numbers are in. Last quarter, the U.S. economy grew at a meager 2.0% annualized rate. In most years, this would be a respectable growth rate. But we’re calling it meager this time because it’s the smallest increase since the start of the recovery. To give you a […]
Taking on Tough Subjects: A Word on Vaccine Mandates and Driver Retention

TAKING ON TOUGH SUBJECTS: A WORD ON VACCINE MANDATES AND DRIVER RETENTION On September 9, 2021, President Joe Biden announced that all businesses employing more than 100 people must either require the Covid-19 vaccine, or a weekly negative Covid test. The vaccine will be obligatory for all federal employees, without an option to test out. […]