From financial check-ins to health and safety, here’s how your fleet can go above and beyond to help your drivers prepare for the road ahead

After experiencing two hurricanes this month as a resident of Florida and hearing stories of truck drivers stranded by the same storms in North Carolina, Georgia, and my own state, planning and preparation are on my mind lately.
The IRS per diem allowance just took a big leap. Here’s what that means for your fleet

The per diem rate the IRS allows trucking companies to provide to drivers as tax-free earnings — and lets companies use to lower their own tax liabilities — jumped on Oct. 1, to $80 per day after holding steady at $69 per day the past two years. How should your company navigate this change?
The Age of Engagement: How to use meaningful conversations to propel your fleet’s culture around driver recruiting and retention

There’s’ no way around it: Change is hard. Not just managing and navigating change in the myriad of ways it flies at us, but also actively trying to promote change within our organizations to propel success in the areas we seek. Enter — Spark Change Labs. Leah Shaver, NTI President & CEO, in this episode of Taking the Hire Road chats with Beth Potratz and Leigh Sauter about their passion for solving the supply-chain industry’s staffing challenges with accessible webinars and live events