Recruiting More Women to Your Fleet

RECRUITING MORE WOMEN TO YOUR FLEET Close your eyes and try to picture a “typical” truck driver. Did you envision a man? If so, there’s a reason for that. At present, women make up nearly half of the American workforce, but less than 8% of truck drivers. Efforts to improve these figures are picking up […]
Grateful For Truckers This Thanksgiving

GRATEFUL FOR TRUCKERS THIS THANKSGIVING Happy Thanksgiving! At The National Transportation Institute, we can’t wait to spend time with family, reflect on all that we have to be grateful for, and of course, eat an amazing meal. Everybody knows that Thanksgiving is the day for indulgence. Gathering around the dinner table is the mainstay of […]
Five Things Drivers Wish the World Knew

FIVE THINGS DRIVERS WISH THE WORLD KNEW National Truck Driver Appreciation week may be wrapped up for 2021, but we’re determined to keep the momentum going for as long as possible. That’s because, at The National Transportation Institute, we’re a little obsessed with drivers. We encounter so many of them who take pride in their […]
From Leah’s Desk: New ATRI Report Reveals Why You Must Commit to Benchmarking

FROM LEAH’S DESK: NEW ATRI REPORT REVEALS WHY YOU MUST COMMIT TO BENCHMARKING The American Transportation Research Institute recently released its annual Top Industry Issues report. The report was full of interesting tidbits, although I didn’t find too many surprises. Concerns that made the list, like driver recruitment, retention, and pay are matters that I […]