2021 = 2018 With Complications

2021 = 2018 WITH COMPLICATIONS When carriers think of 2018, they probably remember it as a stressful time. The demand for trucking went through the roof, but with unemployment barely teasing 4%, we saw would-be drivers get lured into other professions. Trucking employment stalled. Now, as we like to say, the trucking market is similar […]
New Administration Gives Independent Contractors And Small Fleets Something To Stress About

NEW ADMINISTRATION GIVES INDEPENDENT CONTRACTORS AND SMALL FLEETS SOMETHING TO STRESS ABOUT If history is any indication, we are not likely to see business-friendly legislation come out of President Biden’s administration. As a legacy Democrat, odds are that his focus will be on greater regulation and consumer protection. This could mean a lot of things […]
Driver Supply Constraints Plague Carriers

DRIVER SUPPLY CONSTRAINTS PLAGUE CARRIERS After spending the first half of 2020 rightsizing and attempting to pivot, most carriers were blindsided by the changes that came in the remainder of the year. Fleets experienced record low turnover and even stalled recruiting efforts in Q1 and Q2, only to find themselves completely unprepared for the third […]
Rising Warehouse Salaries Could Undercut The Potential Driver Pool

RISING WAREHOUSE SALARIES COULD UNDERCUT THE POTENTIAL DRIVER POOL As we monitor driver compensation, we can’t forget to stay in the loop on competitive industries. One of those is warehousing, where gaining wages may threaten potential driver recruitment. A recent Randstad survey finds that demand for warehouse workers is accelerating and the sector is ripe […]
Driver Wages Are A Top Factor In Retention

DRIVER WAGES ARE A TOP FACTOR IN RETENTION Surprise! A recent WorkHound study finds that compensation is an important factor in keeping drivers on the job. But it isn’t just the amount that matters. Both clarity regarding salary structure and avoiding paycheck errors are supremely important if you want to avoid frustration among your crew. […]